TITLE Worthy of Love?
SERIES standalone
GENRE NA romance
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) a little over 70.000 words
PUBLISHER selfpublished (Amazon)
COVER ARTIST Najla Qamber designs

They say everything happens for a reason. Maybe they are right, but I don`t really agree.
When I was 14, the life I knew, turned upside down. I was devastated.
Every time I looked myself in the mirror, I saw this ugly girl looking at me. Love obviously wasn't a part of my plan anymore. How could it be?
But then I met him.
And it happened.
Suddenly and without a warning.
I want him.
I crave him.
Every fiber of my being yearns for him.
He is the one who makes my heart sing, and the one who hunts my dreams at night.
But I can never have him.
After all, he is forbidden...
Elias and I grabbed our drinks and joined our friends. Rick pulled me to his side right away, so I had to squeeze into a tiny corner beside him. But I didn't mind. I enjoyed my friends' company and even Rick's flirting attempts didn't stop me from having fun. Even more, his terrible pick-up lines soon had me doubled over with laughter, and took my mind off Parker, if only for a few minutes. I tried to prove to Rick that he could win over a girl even with less corny lines, but Rick wouldn't be Rick if he didn't disagree.
Wanna bet? he challenged me. I looked at him with interest and instantly agreed.
Hell, yeah!
Pick a girl, any girl, he said cockily. I guarantee you, I'll get her number. I looked around the club, my eyes settled on a gorgeous woman, leaning on the table next to ours. She was playing idly with the cocktail pick in her drink. She appeared slightly older than us, no more than 10 years, and I was certain she'd be an even bigger challenge since she'd probably heard all the corny pick-up lines before.
Her. I pointed my finger. Rick's gaze traveled up her long, shapely legs, small waist and generously sized chest. He smirked at me, saying, She's smoking hot. You've got yourself a bet. We shook hands, and as he took two steps toward her, I remembered we hadn't talked about the terms of our bet.
Hey, wait, I yelled at his retreating back.
He jerked around. What? Did you change your mind? You'd rather have me all to yourself? His eyebrow shot up.
Rolling my eyes, I chuckled, and our friends laughed right along with me. We haven't said anything about the rewards. What do I get when I win? I challenged him with a wide grin.
Dream on, kitten. Before you can blink three times, I'll have her eating out of my hand.
I laughed so hard tears filled my eyes. We'll see about that.
Rick confidently strutted over to the woman at the next table, and we all turned heads after them, and perked up our ears so we could hear the conversation.
Hey, sugar, Rick winked at the woman, who gave him a look from under her eyebrows.
Uh-huh, she muttered, uninterested.
Do you know how to work with a sandpaper? he shot out, and our table exploded in laughter.
If she doesn't slap him right now, then the world might just as well end, I said.
The woman frowned at him. She asked him what he meant by that, and Rick replied.
Because I could use someone to rub my wood.
Oh, god, he did not just say that, Jon clamped a hand over his mouth. I can't believe he just said that. He shook his head incredulously. But to our surprise, the woman started laughing. Out loud. When she finally calmed down, she put her hand on his shoulder.
I've had a shitty day, and you just made it better. Thank you for that. Come, let me buy you a drink. Rick turned to us with a wide grin on his face, and flipped us the bird before disappearing in the crowd with the woman on his arm.
What the hell just happened?
That was pure luck, Carmen, one of our classmates, said. I was completely shocked. I couldn't believe she fell for such an awful, clich pick up line.
Five minutes later, Rick returned to the table, a scrap of paper between his index and middle finger. He threw it on the table, a smug expression on his face, and turned to me.
You were saying earlier?
J. Lea is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories. Her other loves include her family as she is also a mama of a little boy and girl who keep her busy when she's not writing hot books. Lea also loves spending time outdoors with her family--skiing, hiking, and more.
Her novels include Because of You, Once Again, Never Again, and Worthy of Love.
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